For us to accomplish what the Master wishes,
Be connected always to the Vine as branches,
Gardener will visit fruits in us must He sees,
For when He is not pleased we'll be pruned and ablaze!
And so we must abide heeding all His advice,
Ourselves must be denied unto Him we confide,
Words and truth must be hide in our hearts should be tied,
As we lay down our pride in Him we sole rely.
To the Vine cling your heart and let it not depart,
For when we are apart we could never impart,
Bearing fruit is our part being heaven's sweetheart,
To be good and be smart and to have lionheart.
Thenceforth we can request and shall ask what we wish,
Everything in our list to His Name we'll addressed,
He will truly express and give us all the best,
Learn to wait and to rest and to pray and be blessed.
©Mobibard / Intellectual Rights Reserved.
Clinging to the vine

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