While the earth abideth, with her seed-time and harvest, some men will be tillers of the soil. The day may come when there will be no more squires, but there will be sure to be farmers. Whether there be lords, they shall cease; or lawyers, they shall vanish away; but farmers shall remain. Both good and evil husbandmen, Cains and Noahs, will plough furrows and reap harvests until the end come. [CH Spurgeon]

Hence, a Poet Farmer.

    The ubiquitous use of the mobile phone by young adults serves as a vehicle for self-expression and collective identity, often through the use of text messaging and social media. But for a farmer who labour under the heat of the scorching sun, finds its delight in creating poetry while resting beneath the cool shade of a tree.

Hence, Mobibard.

   Writing poetry is one thing that usually takes over my spare time. I began writing when I was in high school, usually in the form of a song. Honestly, I’m not an expert in this field, but I see it as relaxing when I'm crafting some lines. This too is the secret of my youth, no pun intended. I love expressing my heart in the beauty of nature. From grasses, plants, to beautiful flowers. From worms, insects, to animals, and birds. Those attractive and appealing colorful vegetables and delicious fruits.

    Composing a lovely song and a wonderful poem can be derived from a beautiful sunrise and from an amazing sunset too. So, don't be upset when you come across my poems where you'll see even a simple dirty charcoal be the theme of my composition. And oh, by the way, it isn't surprising when you notice that most of my poems are written in Filipino language and other Philippine dialects. It’s a good consequence of being a Filipino.  And I'm proud of it!

    Thank you for visiting my site. I repeat, I'm not an expert here. You may want to express your own good ideas and corrections? Feel free to poke me. Surely, I’ll be glad to hear them and will be grateful for that guidance. It is in such a way that I see myself needing more until I’m fully sharpened. So, I'll be waiting for your feedback, you may leave a message below and who knows this will be the beginning of a fruitful friendship with you. Thank you and God bless.


Enjoying my hammock while reading The Kite Runner @ Bukid Cantalabhuk

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