When I heard you whisper seems it was forever,
Like a piece of music played softly in my ear,
I can still remember every word you utter,
'Twas a hymn of great love a love beyond compare.
When I heard you whisper 'twas a peace that I found,
Never will I again by worries to be bound,
Then my heart will sing forth joyous song will resound,
For my anxieties by your peace has been drowned.
When I heard you whisper yeah, I was standing still,
The coldness of my heart it causes me to chill,
And extending your arms I feel standing up hill,
Glorious moment I have my longing been fulfilled.
When I heard you whisper my heart a fallow ground,
Hatred been aboding in this stone heart of mine,
But your voice keeps telling speaking love in time,
The shackles were broken! when true love came around.
When I heard you whisper a soothing healing balm,
Pains that keep on haunting now there’s no feeling qualm,
Embracing me so tightly your comfort makes me warm,
Your sweet love shelters me now with you I’ll be calm.
Now that we're together your love keeps me stronger,
As long as I can hear your sweet voice in my ear,
I will no more wander for love has its home here,
Not even go yonder for love has whispered here.
©Mobibard / Intellectual Rights Reserved.

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