Home - God Is Our Refuge


"God is our refuge" - Psalm 46:1

We live in a world where every day in our walk, we struggle to fight for life. A life that we hold so dear and the one that we hope for in the future in eternity. Sometimes it is a walk in the garden where flowers and its fragrance are like the "balm of Gilead" which brings healing to the daughters of Zion. So much soothing to our soul and calms down our spirit. The cold breeze that kisses your cheek, the lovely ambiance that invites us to lay down and rest fora while to enjoy the moment of peace.    

But there are courses in this life where we are led to go down to the valley below. Moments of sadness and sorrows that seem to be no end. When nighttime comes and everyone is in slumber, we pour out the pain through those tears that fall from our eyes, hoping for someone to lean on. But there's no one to wipe those lonely tears and stop them from falling. We want to shout and beg for help, but no one seems to listen. Even our closest friend is nowhere to be found. We are left alone in this deep valley of darkness.    

We wonder why God directs us here. Where loneliness and silence are the overriding tune. We fight, struggle, and wrestle to those conflicts that surge in our heart until doubts start to creep into our mind. Then we lost sensitivity to Him who promised not to leave nor forsake us. Oftentimes we hear those whispers to give up the faith that we esteemed.    

But in the middle of darkness. When all of our strength and hopes are gone. As you are standing alone as a prairie wind blows, there's a sound that is familiar. The Psalmist is playing his harp, and the sweet melody sweeps all our peradventure, all our perhaps, and all our worries. And as he starts to sing its lyrics, the skin of our body starts to tighten up, goosebumps start to form, a signal that we will survive from all of these sufferings. "God is our refuge and strength”, he started the song with that magnificent Name, GOD! 

When we are failing from those battles, "God is our refuge". When we are weary and heavily laden, "God is our strength". When the enemy seems winning, we can call on God for reinforcement because the battle is the Lord's. All we need is to look and trust in Him.    

Someone said, "Home isn't a place; it's a feeling". It might be so, but the psalmist said, "God is our refuge". He speaks more than those happy feelings we felt, but to something that is tangible! He is a Shelter, our shelter! A place wherein we can dwell. There is a communion in Him. A sweet fellowship where we can sing, dance, cry, and tell all our worries and problems to Him. Itis only in Him that we can be "at home".  

Maybe in His providence, He let us taste these temporary sufferings for us to long to go home with Him. In all our wanderings and stubbornness of heart, He wants us to come to Him for He is our dwelling place, our shelter, our refuge, and our home.

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